Market Expansion Expression of Interest Step 1 of 6 16% Please ensure your answers are clear and concise. Should your application be shortlisted you will have the opportunity to provide more detailed information. If you need to save and return to this application, please use the 'Save and Continue' button to be emailed a link that you can edit at a later point. Where are you looking to apply for? Ground Floor Level 1 Either For enquiries about retail opportunities on level 1 of the Market Square precinct, please contact Applicant DetailsApplicant First Name(Required) Applicant Last Name(Required) Contact Phone Number(Required) Contact Email Address(Required) Registered Business Name(Required) Please provide your business Website/Social Media Links (If Available)Role within Business(Required) Initial QuestionsAre You An(Required) Existing Market Trader Established Business New Business (Yet to Launch) Are you an(Required) Owner Operator/Independent Business Owner Operator (More Than One Retail Location) Corporate Retailer (Multiple Stores) Franchise Do you already have a physical location?(Required) Yes No Please list your existing locations(Required)Do you already retail your product?(Required) Yes No Please list your existing stockists(Required)Do you intend for your Market tenancy to:(Required) Replicate an existing store format New store format New brand/product range Please select your industry/category(Required) Food Retail (Food Trader that only provides product to take home and consume.) Food Catering (Food Trader that specializes in grab and go or provides an “eat there” experience.) Hybrid (Trader that has a blend between Food Retail & Food Catering, or Food Retail and Living & Giving.) Living and Giving (Trader that complements the Food Retail & Food Catering categories.) Other Please select your applicable category(Required) Bakeries & Patisserie Beer, Wine & Spirits Continental & Cheese Fruit & Vegetables Grocer Health food Meat, Poultry & Seafood Nuts, Confectionery & Coffee Specialty – ie regional, international, vegan Non-Food Retail spaces will be limited and must complement our existing offer or be food-related. For non-food related businesses and enquiries about retail opportunities on level 1 of the Market Square precinct, please contact describe your retail category in three words or less(Required) Existing Market TraderCurrent Stall/Business Name(Required) Select which option best applies to your business(Required) I wish to relocate to the Market Expansion I wish to open a new business in the Market Expansion Please list why you would like to relocate to the Market Expansion(Required)Proposed Trading Name(Required) Please describe your new business concept and how this concept aligns with the existing Market offer and our selection criteria.(Required)How do you/will you practice sustainability in your business?(Required)How do you/will you minimise food waste?(Required)Operational Plan(Required)Should you be successful with your application we will request a more detailed business and operational plan.How do you/will you ensure a high level of product and industry knowledge is shared across all employees?(Required)How will you make your Market stall engaging and interesting to shoppers? How will you tell your businesses story?(Required)Have you received a breach of lease notice, or been in arrears in the past 12 months? Yes No New ApplicantProvide a brief overview of your products/services in one sentence.(Required) Proposed Trading Name(Required) Proposed Format/Concept(Required) Summarise your proposed concept, highlighting the unique features, quality and any special offerings that distinguish your business from competitors.(Required)Proposed Concept Successes (if any)Alignment to Market(Required)Target Demographic(Required)Previous Retail Experience(Required)Operational Plan(Required)Should you be successful with your application we will request a more detailed business and operational plan.Will you be(Required) Preparing your products on-site Retailing your products produced at another location owned by you Retailing products produced by other businesses Where are the majority of your products produced/grown?(Required) On-Site Locally/Within Adelaide Regional South Australia Victoria New South Wales Queensland Northern Territory Western Australia Australia Overseas How do you/will you practice sustainability in your business?(Required)How do you/will you minimise food waste?(Required)How do you/will you ensure a high level of product and industry knowledge is shared across all employees?(Required)How will you make your Market stall vibrant, engaging and interesting to shoppers? How will you tell your business's story?(Required) Approximate square metreage required to operate your business(Required) Preferred Tenancy Type(Required) Stall (with mezzanine) Stall (full height no mezzanine) Kiosk (no ceiling and walls) Store (Internal Facing) Store (External Facing) Do you need an exhaust?(Required) Yes No Do you need Trade Waste?(Required) Yes No What type of Power do you need?(Required) 3 Phase Single Phase Please give an indication of your preferred opening hours if successfulPlease base these hours off of your target demographic and the times that best suit your business. These may not reflect the current trading hours of the Market. Final core trading hours may be different to your preferred hours. You can select more than one option per day. Monday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Monday Tuesday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Tuesday Wednesday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Wednesday Thursday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Thursday Friday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Friday Saturday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Saturday Sunday(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Sunday Public Holidays (Where Legislation Permits)(Required) Morning Trade Day Trade Evening Trade Closed Public Holidays EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ